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Top Ayurvedic Herbs To Manage Hypothyroidism

What are the Top Ayurvedic Herbs for  Hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is a dreaded condition that results from an underactive thyroid gland, where the thyroid gland produces the thyroid hormone in only small amounts. This can occur due to an impaired thyroid gland caused by malfunctioning of the pituitary gland or due to iodine deficiency. Standard allopathic medicines containing synthetic version of thyroid hormones can produce unpleasant side effects in the body. However, Ayurvedic herbs can be very useful in the natural cure or at least in the management of hypothyroidism. Find out about the top Ayurveda herbs that are used for treating hypothyroidism.

Ginger The intake of ginger helps boost the thyroid gland and stimulates it to produce thyroid hormone in a natural way. This speeds up the metabolic process and aids the body in functioning in a normal way. Ginger can be consumed with tea, as an herbal tea, or even added to dishes in meals as a spice. It can add flavor and aroma to dishes, and also keep the thyroid gland healthy and normally functioning. Regular intake of the herb in controlled amounts helps regulate body weight, maintain the energy levels and keep the mood fresh.

Ashwagandha root This is a popular herb in Ayurveda, and has been used traditionally as a natural remedy for premature aging, debility and impotence. Latest research with the herb being used on animals showed that can improve the concentration of the T4 serum to boost the functioning of the thyroid gland. The herb is also referred to as winter cherry or Indian ginseng.

Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) The herb is widely used by Ayurveda herbalists in India and a few other countries. It is popular for its ability to burn fat, and is used a lot for controlling obesity and lowering body weight. As hypothyroidism is associated closely to obesity, the herb is very powerful for curing the disorder. It can be found in the form of capsule, tablet and pill.

Punarnava (boerhaavia diffusa Linn) The herb is regarded as a diuretic, and is useful in curing swelling throughout the body. Numbness and swelling are two of the signs of hypothyroidism, and these symptoms can be successfully managed with this herb. It can also serve as a very useful general health tonic.

Kaanchanara (Bauhinia variegata) It is referred to as purple mountain ebony. In Ayurveda, it is possibly the strongest herb for the treatment of any type of thyroid condition. It can be availed as a tablet or a pill.

Flaxseed (Alsi ke beej/Seed of Alsi) This is more an herb for the prevention of hypothyroidism rather than treating it. The addition of flaxseeds into the daily diet can prevent the development of hypothyroidism. However, even people with already sluggish thyroid can benefit from it, as it contains rich amounts of the fatty acid known as Omega-3 that boost thyroid hormone production. This is also important for the production and balance of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that can keep patients happy. It can fight depression, which happens to be a common symptom of hypothyroidism.


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