Ayurvedic Prospective of Cancer
Ayurvedic Prospective of Cancer (Part-1) Once considered a disease of old age, Cancer is now common in children and adults as well.The most common cancers in Australia are prostate, breast, colorectal (bowel), melanoma and lung cancer( excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). These five cancers account for over 60% of all cancers diagnosed in Australia.Cancer facts and figures in Australia: 1)An estimated 130,470 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Australia year 2016 and the number set to rise to 150,000 by year 2020.
2) 1 in 3 Australian women and 1 in 2 Australian men and will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85.
3)Around 19,000 more people die each year from cancer than 30 years ago, this is due mainly to population growth and aging. However, the death rate (number of deaths per 100,000 people) has fallen by more than 16%.
4)Cancer is a leading cause of death in Australia – more than 44,000 people died from cancer in 2013. Cancer accounted for about 3 in 10 deaths in Australia.
5)Around 19,000 more people die each year from cancer than 30 years ago, this is due mainly to population growth and aging. However, the death rate (number of deaths per 100,000 people) has fallen by more than 16%.
6) 66% of people diagnosed with cancer in Australia are still alive five years after a cancer diagnosis.
8) In 2008, it was estimated that every year over 434,000 people are treated for one or more non-melanoma skin cancers. 521 people died of a non-melanoma skin cancer in 2011.
7) 66% of people diagnosed with cancer in Australia are still alive five years after a cancer diagnosis.
8) Cancer costs more than $4.5 billion in direct health system costs (6.9%) and $378 million was spent on cancer research in 2000-01, 22% of all health research expenditure in Australia.
Definition of Cancer: “Uncontroled, unregulated growth of cells is Cancer “
In other words “Cancer represent a growth of cells inside the body , outside the rule of the life-force.”
Cancer According To Ayurveda Texts : (Charaka Samhita, Sushuruta Samhita, Madhav Nidanam)
According to ayurveda cancer has most similarity with disease mentioned as Arbuda in Sushruta Samhita. There is no clear definition of Arbuda in Charak Samhita. Acharya Vagbhatt has mentioned that Arbudha is the bigger version of Granthi.
Arbuda is made of the word “Arb” means to kill, to hurt and verb ‘Udeti’ meaning to grows fast, to elevate. The definition of Arbuda according to most of ayurveda books is “ Vitiated doshas in Mamsa and Rakta dhatu produce a swelling that is circular, slightly painful, fixed, broad base and big in size”
According to ayurveda Arbuda (Cancer) can grow anywhere in the tissue ot any part of the body, most affected part are muscular (mamasa dhatu) and epithelial tissue.The growth is round and stony hard, pain is not present till the final stage, its deep rooted like spreads like a crab , chronic and gradual in development and there is uncontrolled, unnecessary, abnormal proliferation of tissues. All these signs and symptoms are closely related to cancer. So Arbuda is the most specific term for a cancerous malignancy. When malignancy get metastasized and spread from its initial site to other parts of the body its called Dwirarbuda.
Granthi is a similar term used in Ayurveda texts for a lump, nodule or growth, that is visible from the surface and can suppurate in a ulcer. Granthi is most commonly used for benign growth in the tissues. Acharya Charaka has advised same treatment guidelines for Granthi and Arbuda.
Causes of cancer according to Ayurveda: In Ayurveda every individual is seen as being made up of five primary universal elements air, space, fire, water and earth. These elements manifest and combine in the body in certain physiological ways and express themselves as three Doshas ( body humors) Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Balanced doshas are responsible for normal functioning of the body systems Each Dosha is responsible for the specific functions in the body. Such as Vata responsible for movement, circulation, elimination and nerve impulses. Pitta is mainly responsible for metabolism that include cellular metabolism. Kapha Dosha is responsible for cellular nutrition, body fluids (cerebro-spinal and joint fluids) , growth and protection and is also responsible for the growth of new tissue. Many causes of Arbuda (Cancer) are described in Ayurveda texts such as our toxic environment in which we live everyday , sedentary lifestyle, denatured and processed foods, lack of spiritual purpose or effort in life and suppressed emotion or emotional stagnation. According to Ayurveda Arbuda (Cancer) starts with vitiation of one dosha mostly Kapha giving a start to process of accumulation. This results in decrease of digestive fire and production of Ama (undigested food) toxins . This provides the enviroment for cancer development. This further increase the dosha imbalance and vitiate Vata dosha causing obstruction of nutrients to the tissues. Thus causing misfunctioning of the communication signals inside and ouside the body giving rise to localised deposition of Ama toxins. This inturn allows uncontrolled, unnecessary and abnormal growth(cancer) in the particular tissue of body. Ayurvedic cancer treatment| support is available at Ojus Health Ayurveda Clinic Melbourne, Australia. To be continued………..